

Keeping your rugs looking like new

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Did you know that up to 70% of the dirt which collects in a rug over time is actually invisible?

That’s because it builds up in the pile at the base of the rug, so can’t be seen on the surface.

If you want to make sure that your rug stays clean and fresh for years to come, than you should make sure it is regularly cleaned and protected to get rid of all that under the surface dirt.

Our expert technicians at Direct Cleaners will give you a free, no obligation, assessment of all of the rugs in your home to find the best way of taking care of each of them.

Get started making sure the rugs in your home stay looking like new by downloading your free report “rug Cleaners’ Seven Deadly Secrets” – and find out what less reputable cleaners don’t want you to know.


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Do You Want to

Make Your rug Look and Smell as Good as New?
